Wednesday 5 February 2014

Why Teens Need to Stay Away from Alcohol, Cigarettes and Drugs

The pressures faced by today’s teenager are mounting, and teens have adopted different ways on how to cope with it. Some put all their time and efforts directed on studies. Others join organizations that focus on their skills, like the school choir, the football varsity or the Math club. Still, some find themselves succumbing into the pressure and resort to alcohol, smoking and drugs.
teen addictionTeens must be aware, though, that while it seems difficult to believe at first, there are only a few troubled teenagers who actually choose to drink, smoke or take drugs. Most take the better option – channeling their energies to more responsible and meaningful activities. So, if we take the actual number of kids who make the right choice against the number of those who may have been misled, you are more socially adept if you stay away from alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. To really fit in, you need to be clean, healthy and away from harmful vices.
It is also important to remember that teenage drinking, smoking or drug abuse have certain long-term consequences. A single puff of cigarette, mainly just for experimentation, will already do irreparable damage to your lungs. It would not matter if that would be your last or only the first of the many years of puffing, that single incident has already caused harm to your system.

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